Top 4 savior methods to open Composite doors without Key

By | July 8, 2019

Well, composite doors are opened with keys but mostly we often come across such situations where we forgot the key or sometimes key is lost. We don’t find other ways to open the doors and, in this situation, get to know about the top 4 easiest methods for opening best designed composite doors in Nottingham without keys. We can ensure that you people won’t find this difficult as we all used to think it would be.

Use Credit Card

 Well, doors with debit cards don’t go easy for deadbolts and when it comes to spring locks then a credit card is the savior. You people need to care for this in the future because this method can lead you for various type of break-ins and foul. Stay aware of this.

Use screwdriver

 People who haven’t any know how about types of screwdrivers and other equipment they should stay away from such things. People who know how to use screwdriver they will get to know how to use this handy approach for door opening. Doors with privacy handles can be easily opened by pushing a button in the door handle.

Pin Method

 If you didn’t get any success with the above two methods then use a pin. All you have to do is to keep the pressure on one side and gradually push the pin or paperclip in. It’s imperative to make a contact with the pin. Lift this upward and repeat this process with additional pins until lock will be opened.

Remove hinges

 We allow you to use standard size screwdriver. It helps you to wedge this in between knuckle & pin. Turn screwdriver in a downward direction with a hammer. It removes head & pin when you will find this one loose enough. By removing hinge composite doors can be easily opened. Composite doors in Nottingham are mostly used with hinges so no worries we have given you the best option to open such doors.


These four methods are the savior for opening composite doors without a key. We all know composite doors Nottingham come in huge variety but these tactics should be kept to yourself from preventing any break-in or intruder activity. Get the assistance of locksmith because they will open these doors within seconds rather than ruining or breaking anything else.